خلاصه مقررات رسمی مسابقه ایران فریدام آیدل
موارد زیر خلاصه ای از بخشهای مختلف مقررات مسابقه می باشد. برای آگاهی از جزییات قانونی مقررات مسابقه لطفا متن انگلیسی را ملاحظه فرمایید.
جوائز: اثر برگزیده نخست ۵۰۰۰ دلار – اثر برگزیده دوم ۲۰۰۰ دلار – اثر برگزیده سوم ۱۰۰۰ دلار
بهترین شعر: ۵۰۰ دلار – بهترین صدا: ۵۰۰ دلار – بهترین ملودی و تنظیم ۵۰۰ دلار
محبوب ترین اثر فقط با رای مردم: ۵۰۰ دلار
• دارا بودن ۱۸ سال تمام سن برای شرکت در مسابقه
• ازهر کشوری می توان در این مسابقه شرکت کرد
• فرستاده ها فقط از طریق فایل صوتی و یک عکس نمایانگر اثر و نام هنرمند یا هنرمندان منتشر خواهد یافت
• برای امنیت هنرمندانی که در داخل ایران زندگی میکنند، نام هنرمند باید یک نام مستعار باشد
• اثر موسیقی ارسال شده نباید قبل از یکم ژانویه ۲۰۲۱ منتشر شده باشد
• اثر میباید که توسط شرکت کننده در مسابقه خلق شده و حد اقل ۲ معیار از ۳ معیار های داوری (شعر، صدا، ملودی و تنظیم) اصلی بوده و قبل از یکم ژانویه ۲۰۲۱ منتشر نشده باشند
• متن اثر موسیقی باید به زبان فارسی، اعتراضی و یا مروج و تشویق کننده آزادی و دموکراسی در ایران باشد
• اثر موسیقی نمی تواند خشونت را ترویج کند و نمیتواند حاوی ناسزا و کلمات رکیک در اشعار باشد
• همه سبک های موسیقی واجد شرایط هستند
• آثار موسیقی بدون خواننده و یا دکلمه متن اثر واجد شرایط نیستند
• آثار موسیقی که توسط یک خواننده زن، مرد، ۲ نفره، بصورت کر و یا توسط یک گروه موسیقی خوانده شده اند، همگی واجد شرایط هستند
• هرشرکت کننده میتواند حد اکثر ۳ اثر موسیقی خود را به مسابقه بفرستد
• اثر موسیقی نباید بیش از ۴ دقیقه باشد
• آثار موسیقی شرکت کننده در مسابقه نمیتوانند که با شرکت یا فردی قرارداد پخش و فروش داشته باشند
• زمان آغاز و یا پایان مهلت ها در مراحل مختلف مسابقه ساعت ١٢ نیمروز غرب امریکا برابر با ساعت ١١ و نیم شب ایران می باشد. در صورت تغییرساعت در امریکا و یا ایران، همواره ساعت ١٢ نیمروز غرب امریکا ملاک خواهد بود
• در مراحل پنجگانه رای دهی هم میهنان می توانند هر روز فقط به یک اثر دلخواه رای دهند
• "مرحله فرستادن آثار موسیقی" به مسابقه از روز ١٢ ژانویه ٢٠٢٢ آغاز و روز ٢ مارس برابر با ١١ اسفند ١۴٠٠ پایان می یابد
• "مرحله نخست رای دهی" به آثار منتشر شده درسایت ایران فریدام آیدل از روز ۳ مارس برابر با ١٢ اسفند آغاز و بمدت ۱٠ روز ادامه خواهد داشت. در این مرحله با رای داوران مسابقه و مردم ۱٠ اثر "فینالیست" که بالاترین رای را آورده اند برگزیده می شوند. داوران به سه معیار ١- صدای خواننده ٢- متن شعر اثر و ٣- ملودی و تنظیم از یک تا ١٠ نمره می دهند و وزن آرای داوران ٩٠ درصد می باشد. وزن آرای هم میهنان در این مرحله ۱٠ درصد می باشد. با پایان یافتن این مرحله ۳ جایزه جانبی مسابقه یعنی ١- بهترین صدا، ٢- بهترین شعر اثر، ٣- بهترین ملودی و تنظیم با رای داوران مشخص می شوند. چهارمین جایزه جانبی یعنی محبوبترین اثر فقط با رای مردم نیز در این مرحله از میان تمامی آثار پذیرفته شده در مسابقه مشخص می شود.
• " مرحله دوم رای دهی" از ۲۱ مارس تا ۲۷ مارس ٢٠٢٢ بمدت ٦ روز برگزار می شود و در پایان این مرحله ٨ اثری که بالاترین رای را آورده اند انتخاب می شوند. در این مرحله آرای داوران در مرحله نخست رای دهی با وزن ۵٠ درصد منظور می شود و هم میهنان نیز می توانند هرروز فقط به یک اثر دلخواه رای دهند و وزن آرای هم میهنان ۵٠ درصد می باشد.
• "مرحله سوم رای دهی" از ۲۸ مارس تا ۳ آوریل ٢٠٢٢ بمدت ٦ روز برگزار می شود و در پایان این مرحله ٦ اثری که بالاترین رای را آورده اند انتخاب می شوند. در این مرحله آرای داوران در مرحله نخست رای دهی با وزن ۵٠ درصد منظور می شود و هم میهنان نیز می توانند هر روز فقط به یک اثر دلخواه رای دهند و وزن آرای هم میهنان ۵٠ درصد می باشد
• "مرحله چهارم رای دهی" از ۴ آوریل تا ۱۰ آوریل ٢٠٢٢ بمدت ٦ روز برگزار می شود و در پایان این مرحله ۳ اثری که بالاترین رای را آورده اند انتخاب می شوند. در این مرحله آرای داوران در مرحله نخست رای دهی با وزن ۵٠ درصد منظور می شود و هم میهنان نیز می توانند هرروز فقط به یک اثر دلخواه رای دهند و وزن آرای هم میهنان ۵٠ درصد می باشد
• "مرحله پنجم رای دهی" از ۱۱ آوریل تا ۱۷ آوریل ٢٠٢٢ بمدت ٦ روز برگزار می شود و در پایان این مرحله برندگان آثار برگزیده نخست، دوم و سوم جوایز مسابقه مشخص میگردند. در این مرحله آرای داوران در "مرحله نخست رای دهی" با وزن ۵٠ درصد منظور می شود و هم میهنان نیزمی توانند هرروز فقط به یک اثر دلخواه رای دهند و وزن آرای آنان ۵٠ درصد می باشد
• در صورت بروز تساوی آرا، اثری که بالاترین رای برای صدای خواننده را دارد برگزیده می شود
• از ۱۸ آوریل ٢٠٢٢ به بعد، با برندگان جوایز از طریق آدرس ایمیل ارائه شده در زمان ارسال اثر تماس گرفته خواهد شد ولازم است حداکثر طی پنج (۵) روز پاسخهای کامل به پرسش های مطرح شده را مدیریت مسابقه دریافت نماید. برندگان باید مقررات مربوط به مسابقه را رعایت کرده باشند
• برندگان مسابقه ایران فریدام آیدل در محدوده تاریخ ۲۹ آوریل ٢٠٢٢ در وبسایت اعلام خواهند شد
• تصمیمات مدیریت مسابقه در کلیه موارد مربوط به مسابقه و همچنین در مورد اداره و اجرای مسابقه و تعیین برندگان جوایز قطعی و لازم الاجرا است
• نهاد مردمی ۶ ماه فرصت خواهد داشت که در صورت تمایل نهاد، قرار داد رسمی برای پخش و فروش هر کدام از آثار فرستاده شده به مسابقه را با توافق شرکت کننده منعقد نماید
• جایزه برندگان مستقیما به شرکت کننده ای که در سایت ثبت نام کرده پرداخت خواهد شد. مسئولیت تقسیم جایزه میان تیم خالق اثر شامل شعر، صدا و ملودی و تنظیم، با شرکت کننده ای که در سایت ثبت نام کرده است خواهد بود
• در صورت نیاز، برندگان مسئول پرداخت هرگونه مالیات و یا عوارض مربوط به کشور محل سکونت خود میباشند. ممکن است از برندگان ایالات متحده خواسته شود که فرم W-9 IRS را تکمیل کرده و به مدیریت مسابقه بفرستند. جوایز فقط در صورتی پرداخت خواهند شد که برندگان به طور کامل از این قوانین رسمی پیروی کنند
• قرعه کشی امتیازات: هم میهنانی که در سایت ثبت نام کرده باشند، چنانچه سایت مسابقه و یا هر کدام از آثار فرستاده شده را به اشتراک بگذارند، یا نظری برای اثری بنویسند و همچنین برای هر رای که به اثر دلخواه خود بدهند یک امتیاز کسب میکنند که شانس برنده شدن یک جایزه ١٠٠ دلاری درپایان مسابقه را خواهند داشت.
Official Rules
- Eligibility
Iran Freedom Idol Contest (the “Contest”) is open to legal residents of all countries where the Contest is legally permitted, who are eighteen (18) years of age at the time of entry. Void where prohibited. Proof of residency and age may be required. Employees and directors of The New Iran, Art Fund, Virtual NGO, and their subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, and advertising or promotional agencies or individuals involved with the design, production, execution or distribution of the Contest and the immediate family and household members of such individuals, are not eligible to enter or win. “Immediate family members” shall mean parents, stepparents, children, stepchildren, siblings, stepsiblings, or spouses, regardless of where they live. “Household members” shall mean people who share the same residence at least three months a year, whether related or not. In order to enter the Contest or receive a prize, you must fully comply with the Official Rules and, by entering, you represent and warrant that you agree to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of the Administrator, whose decisions shall be binding and final in all respects relating to this Contest.
- Sponsor and Administrator
Sponsor: The New Iran, Art Fund, Virtual NGO.
Administrator: The New Iran, 17602 17th Street, #102-140 - Tustin, CA 92780 USA. - Timing
Contest begins January 12, 2022 at 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time and ends March 2, 2022 at 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time (the “Contest Entry Period”). Administrator is the official time keeper for this Contest. The Contest is governed by these Official Rules and is subject to all applicable federal, state, provincial and local laws.
- How to Enter
During the Contest Entry Period go to and complete the online entry form by providing your Real or Alias Name, Country, Email Address, Password. After you register you will be able to submit your song sung in Farsi (Iranian) promoting freedom and democracy in Iran, an image representing your song, and the complete lyrics of the song (the “Submission”). Submission may be sung by one person, a duo, or by music bands/groups. Submission can be sung as acapella or with one or more accompanying instruments. Submission must be at least one (1) minute in length, and not exceed four (4) minutes in length. For the security of the artists who live inside Iran, Artist name(s) must be an alias and any image(s) of the artists used in the Submission must not be recognizable.
Limit of three (3) entries per person for the Contest, throughout the entire Contest Entry Period. An individual may be part of more than one Submission. Entrants may only use one email address to enter the Contest. You are not permitted to share the same email address with another entrant. Use of any automated system to enter is prohibited and will result in disqualification. Administrator is not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible or misdirected entries all of which will be ineligible to win a prize. In the event of a dispute as to any entrant, the authorized account holder of the email address used to enter will be deemed to be the entrant. The “authorized account holder” is the natural person assigned an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted address. Potential winners may be required to show proof of being the authorized account holder to be awarded the prize. All entries become the sole and exclusive property of Administrator and will not be returned and may not be acknowledged. Failure to meet any of the entry requirements contained in these Official Rules may result in disqualification of an entry, at Sponsor’s sole discretion.
- Submission Requirements
The Submission must comply with the following requirements: (i) it must have a vocal sung in Farsi (Iranian); (ii) must promote freedom and democracy in Iran, (iii) include an image or graphic representing the Submission, (iv) the complete lyrics of the song, (v) other than the Sponsor, its products, brands and/or logos, the Submission may not show, contain, mention, depict, refer or otherwise allude to the name, logo or product of any other retailer, manufacturer, brand, product, store, place of business, person, company or character in such a way or manner as to imply an affiliation with, or endorsement of, the Sponsor, its products, brands and/or this Contest; (iv) the Submission must be entrant’s own original work (or the entrant must have the rights from the artist to make the submission), created solely by entrant; must not have been previously published, released or distributed in any form prior to January 1, 2021; must not have won any award; and must not infringe the copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, or other personal or proprietary rights of any person or entity; (vi) the Submission may not contain, mention, refer or otherwise allude to any material that is violent, lewd, obscene, sexually explicit, pornographic, disparaging, defamatory, libelous, racially or morally offensive or otherwise contain inappropriate content or objectionable material; (vii) the Submission cannot promote alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), or any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous; (viii) the Submission cannot in any manner defame, misrepresent, contain disparaging remarks or reflect negatively about Sponsor, its products, or other products or companies or their products, or in any way reflect negatively upon such parties or explicitly or implicitly communicate messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or goodwill with which Sponsor wishes to be associated, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion; (ix) the Submission cannot itself be in violation of any law; (x) the Submission must otherwise be in compliance with these Official Rules. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any Submission that Sponsor believes, in its sole discretion, does not comply with or is in violation of these Official Rules or that otherwise contains prohibited or inappropriate content.
- Grant of Rights
By submitting a Submission, the entrant represents and warrants that he/she has all rights, title and interest necessary to grant the Sponsor the worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual and unrestricted right and license to adapt, publish, use, edit, and/or modify such Submission in any way (including but not limited to any and all advertising and marketing efforts, inclusion on digital and social media channels, in-store and other point-of-sale marketing, digital billboards and other out-of-home marketing and post the Submission on the internet or use the Submission in any other way in Sponsor’s sole discretion and agrees to indemnify and hold Sponsor harmless, to the fullest extent permitted by law, from any claims to the contrary.
- Representations and Warranties/Indemnification
Each person who enters this Contest represents and warrants as follows: (i) entrant has obtained any and all necessary permissions required to submit the Submission and for Sponsor’s right to use the Submission for any purpose, including the consent of any identifiable third person(s) collaborating in the Submission, and entrant can and will make written copies of such permissions available to Sponsor upon request; (ii) the Submission is owned by entrant and has not been published, distributed or otherwise exploited before January 1, 2021; (iii) the Submission is wholly original with entrant and, as of the date of submission, the Submission is not the subject of any actual or threatened litigation or claim; (iv) the Submission does not and will not violate or infringe upon the intellectual property rights or other rights of any other person or entity, including, but not limited to, rights of privacy and publicity; and (v) the Submission does not and will not violate any applicable laws, and is not and will not be considered defamatory or libelous. Each entrant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the Sponsor, Administrator and their subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers and directors harmless from and against any and all third party claims, actions or proceedings of any kind and from any and all damages, liabilities, costs and expenses relating to or arising out of any breach or alleged breach of any of the warranties, representations or agreements of entrant hereunder.
- Winner Determination
Between March 3, 2022 and March 13, 2022 (the “First Phase Voting Period”), eligible Submissions will be displayed at for public voting. During the First Phase Voting Period individuals will be able to vote for their favorite submission. Limit of one (1) vote per person per day and maximum of 10 votes per person during the First Phase Voting Period. During the First Phase Voting Period, a panel of qualified judges determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion (collectively, “Contest Judges”) will rate the eligible Submissions based on the following equally weighted criteria:
- Lyrics
- Melody & Arrangement
- Vocals
The results of public voting in First Phase Voting Period will then be combined with the results of the Contest Judges to select up to ten (10) best Submissions (the “Finalists”) from among all eligible Submissions that were submitted. The results of the First Phase Voting Period will count for 10% and the results of the Contest Judges will count for 90%.
Then between March 21, 2022 and March 27, 2022 (the “Second Phase Voting Period”) the Finalists will be displayed at for public voting. During the Second Phase Voting Period individuals will be able to vote for their favorite Finalists’ Submission. Limit of one (1) vote per person per day during the Second Phase Voting Period and maximum of 6 votes per person during the Second Phase Voting Period. During the Second Phase Voting Period, a panel of qualified judges determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion (collectively, “Contest Judges”) rate the eligible Submissions based on the following equally weighted criteria:
- Lyrics
- Melody & Arrangement
- Vocals
The results of public voting in the Second Phase Voting Period will then be combined with the results of the Phase 2 Contest Judges to determine up to eight (8) best submissions that will go on to the next voting period. In this second phase the results of the Second Phase Voting Period will count for 50% and the results of the Contest Judges will count for 50% of the Second Phase score.
Then between March 28, 2022 and April 3, 2022 (the “Third Phase Voting Period”) the remaining 8 Submissions out of the Finalists will be displayed at for public voting. During the Third Phase Voting Period individuals will be able to vote for their favorite submission. Limit of one (1) vote per person per day during the Third Phase Voting Period and maximum of 6 votes per person during the Third Phase Voting Period. During the Third Phase Voting Period, Contest Judges rate the eligible Submissions based on the following equally weighted criteria:
- Lyrics
- Melody & Arrangement
- Vocals
The results of public voting in the Third Phase Voting Period will then be combined with the results of the Phase 3 Contest Judges to determine up to six (6) best submissions that will go on to the next voting period. In this third phase the results of the Third Phase Voting Period will count for 50% and the results of the Contest Judges will count for 50% of the Third Phase score.
Then between April 4, 2022 and April 10, 2022 (the “Fourth Phase Voting Period”) the remaining 6 Submissions out of the Finalists will be displayed at for public voting. During the Fourth Phase Voting Period individuals will be able to vote for their favorite submission. Limit of one (1) vote per person per day during the Fourth Phase Voting Period and maximum of 6 votes per person during the Fourth Phase Voting Period. During the Fourth Phase Voting Period, Contest Judges rate the eligible Submissions based on the following equally weighted criteria:
- Lyrics
- Melody & Arrangement
- Vocals
The results of public voting in the Fourth Phase Voting Period will then be combined with the results of the Phase 4 Contest Judges to determine up to three (3) best Submissions that will go on to the next voting period. In this fourth phase the results of the Fourth Phase Voting Period will count for 50% and the results of the Contest Judges will count for 50% of the Fourth Phase score.
Then between April 11, 2022 and April 17, 2022 (the “Fifth Phase Voting Period”) the remaining 3 Submissions out of the Finalists will be displayed at for public voting. During the Fifth Phase Voting Period individuals will be able to vote for their favorite submission. Limit of one (1) vote per person per day during the Fifth Phase Voting Period and maximum of 6 votes per person during the Fifth Phase Voting Period. During the Fifth Phase Voting Period, Contest Judges rate the eligible Submissions based on the following equally weighted criteria:
- Lyrics
- Melody & Arrangement
- Vocals
The results of public voting in the Fifth Phase Voting Period will then be combined with the results of the Phase 5 Contest Judges to determine the Submissions that will be the winners of the First, Second and Third best Submission prizes. In this fifth phase the results of the Fifth Phase Voting Period will count for 50% and the results of the Contest Judges will count for 50% of the Fifth Phase score.
The Most Popular prize winner will be determined solely based on the results of public voting in the First Phase Voting Period from amongst all eligible contestants entered into the Contest.
Winners of the Best Lyrics, Best Melody & Arrangement and Best Vocal are determined by the Judges’ scores in First Phase Voting Period.
In the event of any tie at any phase of the Contest, the Submission that receives the higher score in the “Vocal” category, as determined by the qualified judges in their sole discretion, will be selected from among the tied Submission as the potential prize winners or potential Finalists. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received during the Contest Entry Period and the quality of the Submissions.
ON OR ABOUT APRIL 18, 2022, PRIZE WINNER(S) WILL BE CONTACTED USING THE EMAIL ADDRESS PROVIDED WITH THE ENTRY AND WILL BE REQUIRED TO RESPOND WITHIN FIVE (5) CALENDAR DAYS OF NOTIFICATION VIA EMAIL AND MAY BE AWARDED THE PRIZE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION AND ELIGIBILITY AND COMPLIANCE WITH THESE TERMS OF THE OFFICIAL RULES. Winners must follow the initial prize claim instructions and any subsequent claim instructions, or the prize will be forfeited in its entirety. Sponsor’s decisions as to the administration and operation of the Contest and the determination of the prize winners are final and binding in all matters related to the Contest.
Winners will be announced on or about April 29, 2022 on
- Verification of Potential Winners
Potential winners may be required to complete and return an Affidavit of Eligibility, Release of Liability and Publicity Release (where permitted by law) (collectively, the “Affidavit”) by the date specified by Sponsor, or an alternate potential winner may be selected. In the event: (a) potential winner cannot be reached for whatever reason after a reasonable effort has been exerted or the potential winner notification or Affidavit is returned as undeliverable; (b) potential winner declines or cannot accept, receive or use the prize for any reason; (c) of noncompliance with the above or within any of the aforesaid time periods, (d) potential winner is found to be ineligible to enter the Contest or receive the prize, (e) potential winner cannot or does not comply with the Official Rules, or (f) potential winner fails to fulfill any Affidavit-related obligations, the potential winner may be disqualified from the Contest and an alternate potential winner may be selected, at Administrator’s sole discretion, from among the other eligible entries received. Administrator reserves the right at its sole discretion, to modify the notification and Affidavit procedures in connection with the selection of alternate potential winner, if any.
- Prizes
Seven (7) prizes will be awarded as described below:
- First best Submission: $5,000 USD
- Second best Submission: $2,000 USD
- Third best Submission: $1,000 USD
- Best Lyrics: $500 USD
- Best Melody & Arrangement: $500 USD
- Best Vocal: $500 USD
- Most popular Finalist: $500 USD
First, second, and third best Submissions are also eligible to win any of the other four (4) prizes.
If applicable, Winner will be solely responsible for dividing the prize among the Submission’s collaborators.
For all Prizes: Prize is non-transferable and no substitution will be made except as provided herein at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute the listed prize for one of equal or greater value for any reason. Winners are responsible for all taxes, duties, and fees associated with prize receipt and/or use. All federal, state, and local tax liabilities, as well as any other costs and expenses not specified herein as being awarded are the sole responsibility of the Winners. US winners may be required to complete and return an IRS W-9 form (i.e. Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification). Prize will be awarded only if the Winner fully complies with these Official Rules. Total ARV of all prizes is $10,000 USD.
- Entry Conditions and Release
By submitting an entry or otherwise participating in this Contest you understand and hereby agree to: (i) comply with and be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor and Administrator which are binding and final in all matters relating to this Contest; (ii) defend, indemnify, release and hold harmless the Sponsor, Administrator and their respective parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies, celebrities, and any other person and organization responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the Contest, and all of their respective past and present officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any and all claims, expenses, and liability, including but not limited to negligence and damages of any kind to persons and property, including but not limited to invasion of privacy (under appropriation, intrusion, public disclosure of private facts, false light in the public eye or other legal theory), defamation, slander, libel, violation of right of publicity, infringement of trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights, property damage, or death or personal injury arising out of or relating to: (a) the Contest or any information provided by you in connection with the Contest, including but not limited to any Contest-related activity or element thereof, the receipt of marketing messages, participation or inability to participate in the Contest or in any parts thereof, (b) the violation of any third party privacy, personal, publicity or proprietary rights, (c) typographical errors in these Official Rules or any Contest-related promotional materials, (d) acceptance, possession, defects in, use, misuse or inability to use a prize (or any component thereof), (e) any change in the prizing (or any components thereof) due to unavailability, or due to reasons beyond the Sponsor’s control, including but not limited to by reason of any acts of God, any action(s), regulation(s), order(s) or request(s) by any governmental or quasi-governmental entity (whether or not such action(s), regulation(s), order(s) or request(s) prove(s) to be invalid), equipment failure, threatened or actual terrorist acts, earthquake, war, fire, flood, explosion, unusually severe weather, hurricane, embargo, labor dispute or strike (whether legal or illegal), labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slow-down, civil disturbance, insurrection, riot, or any other cause, or as otherwise permitted in these Official Rules, (f) any interruptions in or postponement, cancellation, or modification of the Contest, (g) human error, (h) incorrect or inaccurate transcription, receipt or transmission of any part of the entry (including, without limitation, the entry information or any parts thereof), (i) any technical malfunctions or unavailability of the Website, or any telephone network, computer online system, computer timing and/or dating mechanism, computer equipment, software, or Internet service provider, or mail service utilized by any of the Released Parties or by an entrant, (j) interruption or inability to access the Contest, the Website, or any other promotion-related web pages (in either direction), or any Internet online service or cellular service (as applicable) due to hardware or software compatibility problems, (k) any damage to entrant’s (or any third person’s) computer or wireless device (as applicable) and/or its contents related to or resulting from any part of the Contest, (l) any lost/delayed data transmissions (in either direction), omissions, interruptions, defects, and/or any other errors or malfunctions, (m) any late, lost, stolen, mutilated, misdirected, illegible, delayed, garbled, corrupted, destroyed, incomplete, undeliverable or damaged entries (n) any wrongful, negligent, or unauthorized act or omission on the part of any of the Released Parties, or any of their agents or employees, and/or (o) cancellations, delays, diversions or substitutions or any act or omissions whatsoever by the air carrier(s), or other transportation companies, hotel(s), or any other persons providing any of these services and accommodations to passengers including any results thereof such as changes in services or accommodations necessitated by same, (p) lost, stolen, damaged, delayed, or misdirected baggage or (q) lost, late, stolen, misdirected, damaged or destroyed prizing (or any element thereof); and (iii) to waive all of your rights to bring any claim, action, or proceeding against any of the Released Parties in connection with this Contest. Winner acknowledges that all prizes are awarded as-is without warranty of any kind.
The New Iran, Inc. will have the option to sign one or more of any of the artist(s) who had collaborated on any of the Finalist Submissions, to a record deal mutually agreeable to all parties. The New Iran, Inc. will have six (6) months after the Winner announcement date to exercise its option.
- Publicity
Except where prohibited or restricted by law, by entering a Submission constitutes the Entrant’s agreement and consent for Sponsor and any of its designees to use and/or publish Entrant’s full name, city and state of residence, photographs or other likenesses, pictures, portraits, video, voice, testimonials, biographical information (in whole or in part), and/or statements made by Entrant regarding the Contest or Sponsor, worldwide and in perpetuity for any and all purposes, including, but not limited to, advertising, trade and/or promotion on behalf of Sponsor, in any and all forms of media, now known or hereafter devised, including, but not limited to, print, TV, radio, electronic, cable, or World Wide Web, without further limitation, restriction, compensation, notice, review, or approval.
- General Conditions
Sponsor and its subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers and directors shall not have any obligation or responsibility, including any responsibility to award any prize to entrants, with regard to: (a) entries that contain inaccurate information or do not comply with or violate the Official Rules; (b) entries, prize claims or notifications that are lost, late, incomplete, illegible, unintelligible, damaged or otherwise not received by the intended recipient, in whole or in part, due to computer, human or technical error of any kind; (c) entrants who have committed fraud or deception in entering or participating in the Contest or claiming the prize; (d) telephone, electronic, hardware, software, network, Internet or computer malfunctions, failures or difficulties; (e) any inability of the Winner to accept the prize for any reason; (f) if a prize cannot be awarded due to delays or interruptions due to Acts of God, natural disasters, terrorism, weather or any other similar event beyond Sponsor’s reasonable control; or (g) any damages, injuries or losses of any kind caused by any prize or resulting from awarding, acceptance, possession, use, misuse, loss or misdirection of any prize or resulting from participating in this Contest or any promotion or prize related activities. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds to be (a) tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Contest, or with any Website promoting the Contest; (b) acting in violation of the Official Rules; or (c) entering or attempting to enter the Contest multiple times through the use of multiple email addresses or the use of any robotic or automated devices to submit entries. No groups, clubs or organizations may participate in this Contest or reproduce or distribute any portion of these Official Rules or marketing to its members. If Sponsor determines, in its sole discretion, that technical difficulties or unforeseen events compromise the integrity or viability of the Contest, Sponsor reserves the right to void the entries at issue, and/or terminate the relevant portion of the Contest, including the entire Contest, and/or modify the Contest and/or award the prize from all eligible entries received as of the termination date.
- Limitations of Liability
The Released Parties are not responsible for: (a) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrants, printing errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest; (b) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software; (c) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Contest; (d) technical or human error in the administration of the Contest or the processing of registrations; or (e) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in the Contest or receipt or use or misuse of any prize. If for any reason an entrant’s registration is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, entrant’s sole remedy is another entry in the Contest. No more than the stated number of each prize will be awarded.
- Disputes
All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules or the rights and obligations of entrants, Released Parties in connection with the Promotion will be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of California, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions that would cause the application of any other laws. The parties each agree to finally settle all disputes only through arbitration; provided, however, the Sponsor shall be entitled to seek injunctive or equitable relief in the state and federal courts in Orange County, California, and any other court with jurisdiction over the parties. In arbitration, there is no judge or jury and review is limited. The arbitrator’s decision and award is final and binding, with limited exceptions, and judgment on the award may be entered in any court with jurisdiction. The parties agree that, except as set forth above, any claim, suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Promotion shall be resolved solely by binding arbitration before a sole arbitrator under the streamlined Arbitration Rules Procedures of JAMS Inc. (“JAMS”) or any successor to JAMS. In the event JAMS is unwilling or unable to set a hearing date within fourteen (14) days of the filing of a “Demand for Arbitration”, then either party can elect to have the arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) or any other mutually agreeable arbitration administration service. If an in-person hearing is required, then it will take place in Orange County, California. The federal or state law that applies to these Official Rules will also apply during the arbitration. Disputes will be arbitrated only on an individual basis and will not be consolidated with any other proceedings that involve any claims or controversy of another party, including any class actions; provided, however, if for any reason any court or arbitrator holds that this restriction is unconscionable or unenforceable, then the agreement to arbitrate does not apply and the dispute must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in Orange County, California. Sponsor agrees to pay the administrative and arbitrator’s fees in order to conduct the arbitration (but specifically excluding any travel or other costs of entrant to attend the arbitration hearing). Either party may, notwithstanding this provision, bring qualifying claims in small claims court.
- Entrant’s Personal Information
Information collected from entrants is subject to the The New Iran Privacy Policy which is available at
- Contest Results
For Contest results send a hand-printed, self-addressed, stamped envelope to Winners List – Iran Freedom Idol Contest c/o The New Iran Inc., 17602 17th Street #102 – 116, Tustin, CA 92780. Requests for the winner list must be received by May 31, 2022.